Digital History

Mediblocks - Digital prescription history
or Health care history which can be used between any number
of doctors without a centralize HHR (Electronic Health Record) or EMR.


Have a Digital medical history which can be used between any number of doctors without a centralize HHR (Electronic Health Record) or EMR.

This is a connective intelligence with disconnected architecture and Quick transfer of Medical Records through any form of hardware or software based Medical Solution.

This digital history and the functionality have the bellow facility or solution for Hospitals medical history. Health care Software developers, Health care apps, Medical device manufactures to have fastest and cost effective technology to have the digital health care history with the bellow facility:

  • Cost effective medical history technology
  • Non centralize or centralize Medical records
  • Access to any Doctors
  • High secure data protection method
  • Fastest medical history processing
  • Reduce 60% of your Cloud Cost
  • Online and Offline Health records
  • Access anywhere anytime
  • One Screen Medical History
  • Anatomical view compatibility
  • Access by any technology like android or other.

  • Catalyzes the era of eco-friendly fastest health care to everyone from anywhere at any time with less consumable of time and expenses.

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MEDIBLOCKS | Digital Block of Medical Record

Mediblocks - Digital prescription history or Health care history which can be used between any number of doctors without a centralize HHR (Electronic Health Record) or EMR.

Mediblocks, mediblock, medical record technology, health care records, disconnected digital data, disconnected medical history, High secure medical data protection, High secure health care data protection, digital prescription, medical history, patient history, patient digital history, fastest medical records, fastest medical history, health care history data, medical data, fastest medical data